My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ) - The Path of the Wind (Instrumental Piano by Makiko Hirohashi)

Описание к видео My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ) - The Path of the Wind (Instrumental Piano by Makiko Hirohashi)

A piano rendition of the My Neighbor Totoro song The Wind Forest. This version can be found in many Ghibli music collections on Youtube, but there is not a video containing this song by itself. This was originally uploaded because I could not find out who created this version and I wanted to see if anyone knew the source. This rendition is by Makiko Hirohashi.

Please support the original creator. You can purchase the song here:
Makiko Hirohashi's Site:

You can also find a proper YouTube upload (in better quality I might add) here:
   • 風のとおり道 「となりのトトロ」より (ピアノ)  

I will keep this video up only because many people may not see the original upload if they are only English speakers, but please watch the original instead.


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